Total Company Health ~ A Resource Management Review
Is Working Remote – The New Normal?
Corporate Integrated Information Technology & Productivity Analysis
Companies must face the 'new normal' and that IS working remote is the PREFERRED workstyle preferred by most. While it is impossible for some workers to perform their jobs remotely, for about 85% is IS. Most 'work' is computer based and accessible from the Internet. Employees have now tasted what it is like to do their jobs in a much more comfortable environment and with more freedom. Access to home conveniences such as personal bathrooms, refrigerators and more is Much more attractive than the common 'lunch room' and washroom at the office (that is IF they have one!).
The Missing piece is that the Company has no use full metrics with which to measure performance. Previous 'performance reviews' were for the most part arbitrary and personal preferences by some 'supervisor' who may themselves not actually know as much as the employee they are reviewing.
This entire Plandemic Fiasco (not openly know to be a fraud/fake) maybe resulted in a good thing. Companies spend fortunes on office spaces where employees sit at computers in cubicals for most of the day. Much productive time is lost at the 'water cooler' with office gossip and chit-chatting. This expense and time wasting activity is eliminated by working from a home office.
In many/most cases an employee can perform all and more that was expected from an 'all day sit in the cubicle environment'. All this waste can be eliminated with helping the employee 'home office' with much less expense.
See our Working Remote site for more information! |
Have You Considered a
Corporate Wellness Program for Your Company?
| Distinct Types of Assessments:
General CRMR Evaluation Current State of Resource Utilization: -Business Relationships -Initiatives and Planning -Employee Health & Wellness -Risk Profile
Electronic Transaction Integration -Supply Chain -Procurement -Order to Cash -Banking - AP/AR
New Application System Development vs. Package Evaluation and Selection
-Analysis and review of business requirements; -Analysis and review of Return on Investment (ROI) analysis, decisions and projections; -Review and/or development of application system requirements; -Analysis of user departmental needs; -Evaluation of suitable commercial off the shelf (COTS) applications systems that meet the business requirements; -Analysis of COTS vs. development of proposed business application system; -Evaluation and analysis of the RIO on the resulting business system.
Company Health Costs & Insurance - Analysis of Employee Health Programs and Productivity
-Sick Time & Productivity Loss Prevention -Insurance Group Assessment; -Wellness Programs; -Overall Employee Health Costs.
Work-flow Assessments – Utilizing Our Processes, an analysis of the work-flow of a particular business process is completed and detailed reports are prepared that include: -A graph of the work-flow process detailing each step and decision point; -A description of each participant role and the functions performed at each step; -Commentary suggesting improvements and/or enhancements to the process and opportunities where technology may bring greater efficiencies. |